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Semana Infernal (Infernal Week) is an academic week focused on issues of hell, evil, the devil, among others, organized by the academic research groups Lapheme, Meridianum and Virtu. In this 2023 edition, its theme focused on corporeality. Below is a summary of the communication made at this event.


Abstract: Within the scope of Visual Poetics, in the field of interactions between art and rock, I develop the intermedia project Latin Grufti, configured as a solo band by a female artist. Various languages are explored with the production of songs, video clips and performance shows, considered in this work as event-works. It is a production guided by the Gothic, here understood as a set of thematic and aesthetic characteristics. As a form of resistance, gothic attributes encompass a variety of dissent from socially imposed norms on the body, physical and mental. Recognizing oneself in these resistant ways accompanies the adoption of dissonant ways of seeing, hearing and feeling the world. Given the already vast research on Gothic in literature, cinema and culture, Gothic issues in the visual arts are a little explored, but fertile ground for academic research. Therefore, for the VI Infernal Week, I propose to present a memorial of the creation process of the Latin Grufti project, based on the methodology of Cecília Almeida Salles, in which I highlight the main attributes that not only encouraged the generation of ideas, but also that manifested themselves in the finished works. In addition, I will make a brief introduction to the bases of the extensive existing research on the Gothic theme in the context of contemporary art, based on authors such as Christoph Grunenberg and Gilda Williams. In this way, I seek to contribute to the practice and construction of knowledge that permeates both artistic practice and the manifestations of Gothic in contemporary times.


Keywords : Contemporary art; creation process; Gothic.

Full record available on YouTube at the link .

Article: 5 Centuries of Gothic in the Visual Arts, for Gothic Station magazine edition n.7

"Gothic in the visual arts began to be debated in the late 1990s in countries such as the United States, England and Germany. To this day, it is a topic little commented on, partly because it is more related to literature, and on the other hand, Gothic ends up being, limitedly, related to that “Gothic Art”, architectural, from the 12th and 18th centuries."

Access the magazine for free at the link .

Monography (UFPR): Latin Grufti: gothic and audiovisual poetic production

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This work brings a self-reflexive report about my gothic project in video arts called Latin Grufti. The objective is to reflect on the creation processes, looking for common and/or divergent elements in the production of nine videos over a two-year period. The methodology adopted, in an open and flexible way, is based on the theory of genetic criticism defended by Cecília Almeida Salles in her work Gesto Inacabado. The research is also based on theories about Gothic and Gothic in the visual arts, relating the resurgence of interest in Gothic (and/or its characteristics) with the Covid-19 pandemic, which constituted a propitious moment for Gothic poetic production .

Keywords: Gothic in the visual arts, pandemic and art, video arts.

Anyone interested in reading, please send an email requesting the file.

Article: HR Giger, for Gothic Station magazine, issue 6

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In this Text, Talita Rauber explores Gothic characteristics in the famous artist's work, highlighting its main elements.

Access the magazine for free at the link .

Review: Posthuman Gothic, for Gothic Station edition 6

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Posthuman Gothic (2017), organized by Anya Heise-von der Lippe, is a book of four parts and thirteen chapters, in which the authors seek to trace relationships between posthuman thought and Gothic, presenting analyzes of literary works, films, series and video games, from Frankenstein to The Truman Show. Bringing together important theorists from both post-humanism and Gothic, the authors explore different aspects of the post-human in Gothic narratives, from the vampire, the zombie and the monster to the genetically modified post-human.

Access the magazine for free at the link .

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